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19 June 2023 Workshop Feedback!

Topics covered: Discrimination - Inclusion - Confidentiality - Person of Trust

The Mediation workshop held on Monday June 19 was a great success and lived up to expectations. This session was specifically dedicated to a case of workplace mediation, focusing on conflict resolution between colleagues. The participation of 11 people allowed for a diversity of opinions and experiences, which contributed to making the exchanges particularly enriching.

One of the main topics discussed at this session was the management of confidentiality in pre- and post-mediation exchanges, particularly when mediation is initiated by a prescriber (usually from the HR dpt). Participants were able to share their thoughts and experiences on how to guarantee the confidentiality of information exchanged during the mediation process. The different perspectives helped to identify best practices and measures to be put in place to preserve confidentiality and trust between the parties involved.

In addition, the session also addressed the challenges of promoting within a work team. Participants discussed the potential problems that can arise when there are opportunities for promotion, and explored strategies for overcoming them. The exchanges highlighted issues such as internal competition, skills recognition and fairness in promotion processes.

Another important topic was ethnic discrimination in the workplace. Participants shared their experiences and reflected on approaches to combating discrimination and promoting diversity and inclusion. The discussions raised awareness of the specific problems faced by people from different ethnic backgrounds, and highlighted concrete measures that can be taken to foster a fair and respectful working environment. The exchanges were particularly enriching and productive, especially when it came to exploring the role and position of an external Person of Trust (Personne de Confiance - PCE).

Overall, the mediation session was extremely productive, enabling participants to explore a range of issues relating to interpersonal conflict, confidentiality, promotion and ethnic discrimination. The open and constructive exchanges fostered a better understanding of the issues at stake, and helped identify solutions and best practices for improving relations within the company. The session reinforced participants' awareness of the importance of mediation and effective communication in resolving conflicts and fostering a healthy, inclusive working environment.

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