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FinSA Ombudsman - Mediation services

Mediation & Arbitration center

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Terraxis is an independent consultancy firm founded in 2015 and specialised in Alternative Dispute Resolution methods (ADR).
Based in Geneva, an international financial and commodity trading hub, Terraxis provides its professional clients
with a complete range of mediation services as well as commercial arbitration services.

Terraxis is an independent consultancy firm founded in 2015 and specialised in Alternative Dispute Resolution methods (ADR).

Based in Geneva, an international financial and commodity trading hub, Terraxis provides its professional clients
with a complete range of mediation services as well as commercial arbitration services.

Why Terraxis?

Choosing Terraxis means giving yourself the chance to avoid a legal trial that can be long, expensive, and random. Our trained and qualified mediators will help you to re-establish a constructive dialogue in order to resolve the issue promptly. Mediation meetings at Terraxis are strictly confidential and protected by signed agreements.

What is Mediation?

Mediation is an informal and confidential process to resolve conflicts with the help of a neutral and independent party, the mediator. It is increasingly being used today as an economical and efficient alternative to traditional court proceedings. Terraxis accredited mediators empower the parties to create and decide themselves on the solution to their dispute.

Mediation office recognised by the Federal Department of Finance of Switzerland since 27 July 2020.

Mediation services at Terraxis

We conduct mediation services in professional and business disputes wherever necessary whether at our mediation center in Geneva, Switzerland or in any other country if required. We also conduct online mediation services accessible any time with no travel commitment via efficient communication tools guaranteeing strict confidentiality.


FinSA & Finance mediation

FinSA Ombudsman & Finance mediation services are designed to help financial companies and their clients resolve disputes in:

  • Wealth management
  • Asset management
  • Merger & Acquisition
  • Private equity
  • Investment funds
  • Insurance
  • Public investment
  • Risk management etc.

Commercial mediation

Commercial mediation is a process designed to give parties a better understanding of each other’s business needs and constraints with a view to reaching a realistic solution. Terraxis commercial mediation services and accredited mediator’s objectives are to ensure that companies make constructive decisions that strengthen the future of their business relationship.

Workplace mediation

Workplace mediation is designed to help colleagues and managers to attempt and reach an agreement on their work-related dispute. It can be utilised either between two or more employees or between employees and the management.

Terraxis workplace mediators assist the parties to find a solution aiming to restore a healthy and productive working atmosphere.


Person of Trust (PCE)

The Person of Trust, or Person of Confidence for the Employee (PCE), participates in the prevention and management of Psycho-Social Risks at work such as harassment, mobbing, burn-out. The PCE role is to help the person in difficulty to break out of his/her isolation and find a durable solution.

The Swiss Federal and Cantonal authorities strongly recommend the appointment of a PCE.

Some of the 200 + clients who trust us:

Mediation works.

Benefits of Mediation services

  • 01

    Time and cost effective

    Thanks to its simplicity and informal nature, mediation allows disputes to be resolved in a quick and cost- efficient manner, unlike traditional court or arbitration proceedings.

    In small to medium-sized cases and lower- value disputes, mediation also avoids absurd situations where the legal costs alone exceed the amount of the unresolved dispute in question.

  • 02

    Workable solutions

    A good mediator will know how to create a climate of trust that invites the parties to express themselves and listen to each other to finally move away from their respective positions and work on a common solution.

    It is the parties themselves who decide on their solution. And for these reasons, the fulfilment rate of agreements reached in mediation is remarkably high.

  • 03

    Creative solutions

    As long as they respect public order, mediation agreements are not subject to any legal constraints and are limited only by the imagination and creativity of the parties.

    Any solutions is possible as long as it corresponds to each party's interests. This is what makes this alternative dispute resolution method very effective and appropriate for the parties.

  • 04

    Positive health effects

    In mediation, the parties can express their views in a private and informal setting, allowing them to release negative feelings and identify the needs at stake, which may sometimes go beyond the dispute in question.

    Both effects have a positive impact on the health of those involved especially when their private life may be heavily implicated.

  • 05

    Prevent conflict escalation

    Traditional legal procedures, due to their slowness and administrative heaviness, end up stigmatizing and amplifying the original problem.

    To the contrary, mediation, being a rapid, efficient and unformal method, contains the dispute to the strict minimum necessary for its own resolution. It therefore avoids conflict to further escalate and become out of control.

  • 06

    Preserve relationships

    By quickly re-establishing a dialogue that allows a solution to be found by mutual agreement, mediation increases the chance to preserve relationships.

    This is all the more important as parties have often invested a lot of time and work in developing their relationship, which has become all the more valuable over the years. With a successful mediation, this precious capital will be preserved.

    Our concept

    To provide efficient and cost-effective solutions that meet your needs and save you time.

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    Our mediation services are available in Switzerland, Europe and anywhere else.

    What makes it work?

    Mediation is successful in over 75% of cases.

    This high success rate is achieved through a structured process that enables participants to :

    • Express themselves freely
    • Benefit from a setting that encourages mutual listening
    • Understand each other’s situation
    • Consider each other’s needs and constraints
    • Promote mutual respect
    • Separate the people from the issues

    • Re-establish a constructive dialogue

    • Unlock parties from their respective positions
    • Remove blockages caused by the conflict
    • Widen the scope of possibilities
    • Be creative and look for win-win solutions
    • Reconsider a future for the relationship

    For who is it?

    1. Finance mediation:

      Financial services companies and their clients, whether private or professional.

    2. Workplace mediation:

      Between employees, managers, colleagues, executives, work councils etc.

    1. Commercial mediation:

      Businesses of all types and sizes and their clients, whether private or professional.

    2. Person of Trust:

      Any company, cooperative, association or entity employing at least one employee.


    How much does mediation cost?
    Mediation is a quick way to resolve disputes. On average, it requires between one and several meetings to reach an agreement. It may be more for complex cases.

    Thanks to its informal and unbureaucratic nature, mediation avoids the high administrative and heavy file costs of traditional court proceedings. You also keep control of the cost, as the mediator's fee consists mainly of the time spent in your presence during the mediation process and the various related communications by e-mail or telephone.

    The fees for our various mediation services are displayed on the relevant pages of the website.
    How will the mediation process work?
    The mediation process is unbureaucratic, simple, and rapid. Simply mandate Terraxis who will organize and schedule the mediation process for you. You will then participate actively under the mediator's guidance, whether online or physically in a room. Mediation is a voluntary and time-efficient process in which the parties achieve consensus usually in one or a couple of meetings. Even though the complex cases may require more, it is rare that the overall process exceeds two or three months.

    A hybrid set mixing online, phone, and face-to-face meetings are also possible.
    Advice before going into mediation:
    Mediation is hard work. The better prepared the parties are, the more willing they are to work together, and the greater the possibility of a positive outcome.

    1. Know your interest and be clear about them. 
    2. Evaluate the other parties’ interests.
    3. Focus on your important needs.
    4. Acknowledge, accept, and manage your emotions.
    5. Gather and manage all key information.

    No mediated settlement can be reached without you and the other party’s consent. It is, therefore, imperative that everyone collaborates to craft a mutually acceptable outcome. You succeed only when the other party succeeds. Going into mediation with this mindset will be extremely beneficial, greatly enhancing the likelihood of resolving the issues, reconciling the relationship, or both.
    What commercial arbitration services are available at Terraxis?

    At Terraxis, we provide Gafta arbitration services for agricultural commodity disputes. Gafta (the Grain & Feed Trade Association) is representing organisations trading globally in agri-commodities including grain, animal feed, pulses, and spices. It operates an international dispute resolution service for contractual disputes where Jérémie Girod, director of Terraxis, is regularly nominated as arbitrator. Gafta awards can be enforced in over 150 countries under the New York Convention.

    Contact us

    Office +41 22 732 61 19
    Fax  +41 22 732 61 21
    Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Find us

    Terraxis SA
    Rue de la tour de l’Ile 1
    1204 Genève

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